The impact of Socio-economic, Cultural and Personal Background, Work History and Educational Achievement on learners.


A learner’s socio-economic, cultural and personal background will have a significant impact on their education, including the aspirations, needs and decision-making process. A very large number (approximately one in five) of families within the UK are deemed to live in poverty, research has shown people who live in poverty face daily challenges that affluent children … Read more

Why it is Important that Learners Take Responsibility For Their Own Learning


It is extremely important for learners to take responsibly for their own learning as they will gain a wide selection of benefits. Students responsible for their own learning will have a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as they will have first-hand experience of them, rather than being told their strengths and weaknesses, which … Read more

Why it is Important that Personal Tutoring Programmes Support the Development of Learning and Transferable Skills


It is essential that tutors support the development of learning and transferable skills as tutors see the progress of students across all classes, this allows the tutor to offer guidance with the full perspective of the student’s progress so far. Tutors are in the best position to create an individual learning plan as they have … Read more

The importance of acting according to ethical and professional codes and standards in a personal tutoring role.

Professional and ethical

While it is important that, as a tutor, you are available and willing to assist students, it would be unprofessional, unethical and impossible to assist students with everything. A simple example of this is while you want your students to perform well on the course and are willing to provide guidance on assignments, providing too … Read more

Communication Strategies to Promote Equality and Diversity

communication equality diversity

I use a selection of communication strategies to promote equality and diversity within my lessons, a very easy method of embedding equality and diversity is to create a starter activity that shows imagery demonstrating either the promotion of equality and diversity or the undermining of equality and diversity and then follow this with a discussion. … Read more

Why do teachers reflect?


Mankind has actively reflected on past experience throughout its existence in order to manage risk, this was fundamental learning required for staying alive. “It is only in the last few hundred years that we have been conscious that we could influence the future by learning lessons from the past”, (Broadleaf, 2012) and consciously reflecting and evaluating … Read more

Factors leading to behaviours that can disrupt a learning environment.


“The majority of learners genuinely want to learn and will display appropriate attitudes and behaviours, it cannot be assumed that this is the case for all learners and some will present challenges that have to be met.” (Gould & Roffey-Barentsen, 2014, p. 222) The vast majority of classes I teach do not suffer from challenging behaviour, … Read more

Theories, Principles, Models of Learning


Abstract The intricate nature of learning and teaching is emphasised through various pedagogical theories and approaches. Mumford’s perspective positions learning as a demonstration of new knowledge or skills. This is juxtaposed with diverse theories like Behaviourism, which is result-oriented, Cognitivism, focusing on mental processes and problem-solving, and Humanism, that places the student at the centre … Read more

Theories, principles and models of communication

Communication Theory

Abstract This document delves into the multifaceted nature of communication in an educational setting, underscoring its pivotal role in every interaction between educators and students. Initial sections elaborate on basic and two-way communication models, emphasising both verbal and non-verbal means. As the narrative progresses, it illuminates the challenges that arise in ensuring effective communication, especially … Read more