How Working with Other Agencies can Promote Diversity.

BAME students

Many teaching establishments work with a wide selection of external agencies that promote diversity, numerous UK courses have associations with the NHS who look after adults and children at home and at school and provide residential and nursing care. This association helps students realise there are other people within the community that are less fortunate … Read more

The Skills and Qualities Required for a Personal Tutoring Role

Skills and qualities

In order to be an effective personal tutor, there are some important skills and qualities that the tutor must possess. These include logistical and curriculum planning, good organisational and communication skills, pragmatic and diplomatic abilities. A good tutor must also be knowledgeable, friendly, respectful, patient and a good listener, as well as having many other … Read more

Modifying Systems and Structures Which Do Not Promote Equality and Diversity.

students wheelchair

In many teaching organisations the learners are only entitled to 15-minute tutorials, this is very often insufficient. Personally, when I have deemed it appropriate I have let the tutorial session run long, deliberately adding particular students to the end of the session that I suspect will require additional support. Unfortunately, this isn’t a practical solution … Read more

The impact of Socio-economic, Cultural and Personal Background, Work History and Educational Achievement on learners.


A learner’s socio-economic, cultural and personal background will have a significant impact on their education, including the aspirations, needs and decision-making process. A very large number (approximately one in five) of families within the UK are deemed to live in poverty, research has shown people who live in poverty face daily challenges that affluent children … Read more

Why it is Important that Learners Take Responsibility For Their Own Learning


It is extremely important for learners to take responsibly for their own learning as they will gain a wide selection of benefits. Students responsible for their own learning will have a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as they will have first-hand experience of them, rather than being told their strengths and weaknesses, which … Read more

Why it is Important that Personal Tutoring Programmes Support the Development of Learning and Transferable Skills


It is essential that tutors support the development of learning and transferable skills as tutors see the progress of students across all classes, this allows the tutor to offer guidance with the full perspective of the student’s progress so far. Tutors are in the best position to create an individual learning plan as they have … Read more

The importance of acting according to ethical and professional codes and standards in a personal tutoring role.

Professional and ethical

While it is important that, as a tutor, you are available and willing to assist students, it would be unprofessional, unethical and impossible to assist students with everything. A simple example of this is while you want your students to perform well on the course and are willing to provide guidance on assignments, providing too … Read more