Legal Requirements of the Development and Use of Resources

legal resources

Traditionally organisational email provides all communication between students and staff, the primary benefit being all emails are recorded and monitored to ensure safety of both staff and students. An extremely important aspect is that all students and staff have organisation email accounts. “Most younger (and, increasingly, older) learners use social networking sites to keep in … Read more

Theories, Principles, Models of inclusive Curriculum Design informing Resource Development

resource design

When designing resources, it is important to consider the theories, principles and models that are to assist the process with the goal of creating better resources. For example, different resources will suit different stages of the Kolb learning cycle: Concrete Experience is best suited to resources such as Realia or using relevant equipment, allowing students … Read more

Principles of Resource Design

resource design

When designing resources, it is important to integrate the principles of resource design. Using resources is an excellent method of targeting different styles of learnings, while targeting a student’s specific style of learning is largely disproven, it is important to utilise a variety of learning styles to ensure inclusive learning. For example, when designing a … Read more

The Purpose of Resources in Teaching and Learning

teaching resources

While teaching I make extensive use of resources as I feel they assist my students learning and make me a more effective teacher. The three primary resources I use are PowerPoint presentations, Handouts/Worksheets and Realia. Beyond these there are others that are ubiquitous to my subject area, such as computers, internet and specific software, such … Read more

The Purpose of an Individual Learning Plan

personal learning plan

Abstract This comprehensive discussion explores the concept, implementation, benefits, and challenges of Individual Learning Plans (ILP) in classroom settings. The ILP, tailored from initial and diagnostic assessments, provides a unique learning path for each student, considering their strengths, needs, and aspirations. While ILPs offer customisation and flexibility in instruction, enhancing student engagement, there are inherent … Read more

How to Work with External Stakeholders and Partners to Support Learners


Teaching organisations do not work in isolation and receive support from external third parties in numerous ways. A simple way that I work with external stakeholders and partners to support learners is collaborating with local businesses, these relationships have provided projects, equipment loans and work experience placements, benefiting both the teaching establishment and the local … Read more

Legal and Organisation Requirements Relating to: Data protection; Copyright; Privacy; Confidentiality; Safe Guarding Disclosure.


Abstract Educational institutions shoulder the dual responsibility of fostering learning and safeguarding sensitive information. This article explores the intricacies of data protection within the educational sector, emphasising the significance of policies, copyright enforcement, and legal frameworks, such as the Data Protection Act and GDPR. Through a comprehensive examination of student privacy, understanding of confidential information, … Read more