The implications of a model of action


Abstract Action research, despite lacking a universally accepted definition, boasts a variety of valuable definitions and models to guide its implementation (Koshy, Koshy, & Waterman, 2010). Among the notable models is the Spiral Model by Kemmis and McTaggart. This model, characterised by its stages, such as planning, acting, observing, reflecting, and re-planning, is renowned for … Read more

Key features of the action research process


The process of action research is a cycle that would normally have 2 or more iterations, depending upon the action research model there are varying stages within the cycle, these stages include the following: Problem/area for improvement identification, which is the purpose of the action research based on the area that requires improvement, a question … Read more

The purpose of action research

Action Research

The purpose of action research is to gather information in an attempt to solve a problem or make an improvement, which may have been highlighted as a result of self-evaluation or student feedback. While this is the core purpose, the motivations may be different, the motivation may be sincere and the goal to be improvement … Read more

Ways in which resources can be classified and stored


Resource management can be a challenging task, as a result having a plan of classification and storage is essential. Physical resources are the most challenging to manage, especially when the equipment is expensive, bulky or delicate. Storage space is incredibly limited within all educational establishments, this results in a limited amount of physical resources being … Read more

What is Behaviourism learning theory

Behaviourism Dog

Behaviourism is a learning theory within behaviour psychology dating back to the early twentieth century. (Machin, et al., 2016) Work conducted by John B. Watson suggests that learning has taken place when a new behaviour pattern has been established. Ivan Pavlov builds on this through research involving the behaviour of dogs. Pavlov established that “learning is … Read more

How the promotion of equality and diversity can protect learners from risk of harm

Equality And Diversity Protects Learners

It is essential that equality and diversity is promoted by lecturers as without promotion the learners may become at risk of harm. Within the classroom students that have inappropriate views may make racist, sexist or other offensive comments to other students as they feel this is acceptable due to a lack of equality and diversity … Read more

Legislation, employment regulations and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity

Legal Equality

The Equality Act 2010 encompasses numerous former legislations including the Sex Discrimination Act, Disability Discrimination Act, and Race Relations Act which “simplifies, strengthens and harmonises the current legislation to provide Britain with a new discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society.” (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2017) … Read more