Why You Should Use Easel Software By Teachers Pay Teachers & How To Use It


With classrooms becoming more digitised, it is vital for teachers to keep up with the latest technologies. Easel, which was developed by TpT, has become a staple for many professors because it allows educators to easily create interactive activities to help their students. Although the software can revolutionise the teaching process, it will seamlessly integrate … Read more

Animals That Start With The Letter N

Narwhal The Narwhal is a unique toothed whale known for the long, spiral tusk that protrudes from the male’s upper lip, often dubbed the “unicorn of the sea.” Found primarily in the Arctic waters, these creatures have fascinated humans for centuries and play a significant role in Inuit culture. Nase The Nase is a small, … Read more

What Is Woke? Examples of Woke


By now, everyone has surely heard of the street slang term “wokeism.” Originally adopted by the African-American culture, “wokeism,” better known as “woke” is a term utilised in reference to racial discrimination and prejudice. African Americans believe they have been discriminated against since their enslaved ancestors arrived in the United States in 1619. Ethnic groups, … Read more

What Is The Difference Between Learning Goals And Learning Targets?


At some point, students and professors are going to stumble across the term, learning goals. Initially, they may believe that learning goals and learning targets are identical. In reality, there are key differences between the two. Typically, the learning goal is the standard and each teaching unit is carefully selected to help reach said goal. … Read more

What Is Bloom’s Taxonomy And How To Use It


Benjamin Bloom revolutionised education when he helped develop the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. At the time, Bloom was working with Edward Furst, Walter Hill, Max Englehart, and David Krathwohl to create a framework for organising educational objectives. Today it is often called Bloom’s Taxonomy. The framework is primarily used by teachers and professors to aid … Read more

Bionic Reading for Dyslexia: A Potential Bridge to Enhanced Comprehension


Dyslexia, a common learning difficulty, primarily affects the skills involved in reading and spelling. It doesn’t stem from a lack of intelligence or a desire to learn; rather, those with dyslexia often grapple with identifying speech sounds and relating them to letters and words. The introduction of the Bionic Reading method in the digital landscape, … Read more

Bionic Reading for ADHD: Harnessing the Power of Visual Cues to Aid Focus and Comprehension

adhd bionic reading

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Among its varied symptoms, individuals with ADHD often grapple with attention challenges, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These symptoms can impact many areas of life, and reading comprehension is no exception. Enter the Bionic Reading method, a technique developed to optimise digital reading by … Read more

Bionic Reading Method

bionic reading

Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital world, the sheer volume of information has pushed the human brain to its processing limits. Amidst this content deluge, the Bionic Reading method emerges as an innovative strategy to help individuals optimise their reading habits. This article delves into the intricacies of the Bionic Reading method, its application, and its … Read more