Last Updated on 24/04/2024 by James Barron
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that is used by a variety of organisations, businesses or individuals to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, even government agencies use SWOT analyses. A SWOT analysis can help prepare for the future, working to resolve weaknesses, responding and dealing with threats and building upon strengths and opportunities. This article will concentrate upon the Opportunities aspect of a SWOT analysis, we have listed 101 examples of potential opportunities for students, teachers and businesses.
Opportunities for students
It is generally accepted that the offspring of wealthy parents are much more likely to have more opportunities open to them than those who are born into less affluent families.
Private schools are known for providing their students with many more opportunities than state schools, they can do this because they have the funding to employ the brightest and the best staff, offering higher academic excellence. They are also able to provide far superior facilities and a much wider range of extracurricular activities. However, it must be said that not everyone student who attends a private school is from a wealthy family, as many parents recognise the advantages of a private education and do what it takes for their children to attend, scrimping and saving or taking on more than one job.
Opportunities for younger students
- Private schooling (see above)
- Scholarships are an opportunity for less affluent students to enter the world of private education
- Bursaries are another opportunity to study at a private school, this is a form of grant, otherwise known as means tested fee assistance
- Disposable income – it is generally recognised that poverty affects children in many negative ways, including their wellbeing, education and their future. The children of wealthy parents often have opportunities not open to those less well off.
- Technology – opens up a vast range of opportunities, from education to social media, self-help to sales advice and everything in between. Parents who can afford to equip their children with computers, tablets, mobile phones and broadband are investing in their future, as the world operates on technology these days.
- Holidays – visiting other countries is a wonderful opportunity to learn about other cultures and broaden children’s horizons
- Trips to museums and art galleries – another opportunity to learn about the world around us, not nearly as expensive as holidays abroad and many have free entry too!
- Catch up tuition – tuition can be expensive but if your child has fallen behind in their studies, being able to fund a few sessions will give them the opportunity to catch up.
- Extracurricular tuition – learning a second language is a great opportunity but not all schools offer more than one or two languages, funding language lessons will not be cheap but it could open doors to employment for your child in the future.
- Extracurricular tuition – music lessons are a wonderful opportunity for any child who has musical talent, or even if they just want to learn how to play an instrument, any opportunity to enhance creativity should be embraced if at all possible.
- Transport – being able to ferry your children to extracurricular activities, or having the funds to pay for transport, gives them a broader range of interests and the opportunity to meet new friends.
- Paying for hobbies – hobbies can be expensive, ask any parent of a child that loves horses! Hobbies are a great way to gain new skills and may even lead to opportunities for employment when a child is older.
- Parents give children early opportunities and self-confidence when they provide extracurricular activities, such as sports or self defence
- Learning to be comfortable around animals is also important for self-confidence, helping to care for a family pet is an opportunity to teach a child to have respect for animals
- Youth clubs – are a great opportunity for young people to meet new friends and enjoy a variety of activities, it can open up all kinds of opportunities both now and in the future.
- A new school – starting at a new school should be viewed with positivity and considered as an opportunity for a fresh start
- A Saturday job whilst you are still at school can lead to future opportunities, it shows you are open to learning new skills and capable of taking on responsibilities, it could earn you a good reference for college or new employment and it will look great on your CV
- As with a Saturday job, a part time job during college or university can open doors to opportunities in the future, it can also help enormously with your living expenses and, once again, will look good on your CV
- An internship can be a wonderful way to gain important workplace skills and experience, it offers networking opportunities and the chance to decide upon your future career path, it is also another opportunity to boost your CV and you may even get paid!
- Voluntary work, either at home or overseas, can be a great opportunity to help people, learn new skills and widen your horizon. This type of work is also great for your self-confidence and your CV
- Gap year. Many people describe their gap year as an amazing opportunity to travel, meet new people and learn about different cultures. It can also lead to lifelong friendships and employment opportunities
- Passing your driving test and owning or being able to borrow a car opens up opportunities for attending courses held by educational establishments that are not local to you, a full driving licence may also lead to opportunities for employment
- Personal transport. Your own car, bicycle, moped or motorcycle can provide an opportunity to save money on public transport costs, reach your place of education or employment faster and avoid unnecessary stress when public transport fails. Car-pooling with fellow students or colleagues is also a great way to share transport costs and reduce your carbon footprint
- The opportunity of moving closer to your place of education or employment will reduce your travel time, saving you money on transportation costs and allowing more time for both work and play.
- A new cycle track near your home that you can use to reach your place of education or work gives you the opportunity to get fit whilst saving money and time, it will also reduce your carbon footprint.
- Part time courses, such as evening classes, are an opportunity to learn more about your chosen future career alongside your studies, also an opportunity to enhance your CV
- Part time courses that are not necessarily associated with your chosen future career can give you an opportunity to show how diverse and well-rounded you are, i.e. sign language, also another opportunity to improve your CV
- Even free online courses offer opportunities for improvement, for instance, touch typing tests allow you to learn and practice whilst giving you targets to meet
- Past exam papers give students the opportunity to gauge their performance and prepare themselves for future exams, they can also be a great wakeup call if you have fallen behind on any subject
- As with past exam papers, access to recorded past lectures gives students the opportunity to learn more in their own time and get ahead of the game.
- Failed an exam? First of all, don’t stress! Re-sitting an exam is not only a second chance, it is an ideal opportunity to knuckle down and get it right.
- Offering tuition helps your fellow students and can open up opportunities, either through cash earned or by networking with parents, this can lead to further tuition work or even a job in your chosen future career.
- Short courses are sometimes offered in a variety of subjects, they should be considered as an opportunity to enhance learning and expand your knowledge and skills.
- A new assignment should be considered as an opportunity rather than a chore, make the most of it, work hard and show yourself, your family, your classmates and your teachers just how good you are, this will really boost your confidence – and your marks
- A new study buddy is a great opportunity for you both to improve your knowledge and skills, whilst making a new friend at the same time, having a study buddy often enhances the learning experience.
- Working part time for your college or university, such as IT help desk or administrative department, allows you the opportunity to earn money and gain knowledge and experience whilst studying, as well as enhancing your rapport with other staff members and looking impressive on your CV.
- A new teacher can open up a realm of opportunities, with new ideas and a fresh approach to teaching, giving inspiration and confidence to students.
- Libraries, either public or at your place of education, offer great learning resources and opportunities to improve your chances with job applications, educational courses, and so on.
- Inspirational books give you the opportunity to learn from others more experienced in your chosen field or in life generally, they can instil a great work ethic and help to motivate
- Take the opportunity to enhance your CV by using a CV review or writing service, the cost of these services varies according to your requirements, however, there are CV builders or CV building tools available for free.
- A mentor can be a wonderful opportunity to learn from the experience of a trusted and experienced advisor, this kind of role model can help in many walks of life, offering guidance and support where needed.
- A new head teacher can bring a wealth of new opportunities for students, teachers and non-teaching members of staff. It is generally found that the old adage rings true when a new head takes up their position, a new broom does indeed sweep clean and a progressive thinking leader can make a considerable difference.
- Starting college. You have worked hard, achieved your grades and are now taking the next step in your education, further education is an exciting opportunity to enhance your education, meet new friends, gain new experiences and work towards your next goals in life.
- Going to university. For most people, attending university will be the ideal next step on their academic pathway, whether studied at home or overseas, a university education opens up a wealth of opportunities.
- Attend university seminars. A seminar is a great opportunity to bring your knowledge up to date and learn from others.
- Podcasts. Podcasts are generally audio recordings created and uploaded for people to listen to, they are available in episodes and have the voice of one person or a group of people talking about a particular subject. The topics of podcasts are many and varied, examples include parenting, documentaries, parenting, romance, dating, and so on, some podcasts even have multiple themes. Listening to podcasts can be a great opportunity to gain knowledge from others or to listen to alternative viewpoints. Making a podcast is an opportunity for you to share your experiences and knowledge with others
- Always request feedback. Any form of feedback should be viewed as a great opportunity to learn, both from your mistakes and your successes, feedback can help you to discover your strengths and weaknesses.
- Holidays are an opportunity to catch up on or refine your work, you don’t need to spend your whole break working, but even spending a small amount of time can help you to get ahead of the game, which will also help relieve any stress you might have been feeling.
- Entering competitions or accepting challenges. Many people dislike the ideal of competitions or challenges, this can also include exams or practical tests, they suffer stress even thinking about it. Any kind of competition or test should be seen as an opportunity to challenge yourself and up your standards, it is also a good way to observe how you measure up to others.
- Coming into money. Finances often hold us back in many ways, so a boost to your personal funds can help enormously, however large or small the amount, try not to waste it by frittering it away, you should see it as an opportunity to perhaps clear some debt, invest in much needed equipment or put it away for when it is really needed.
- Jobs fairs. Job or jobs fairs, also known as careers fairs, offer fantastic opportunities to meet a range of future employer representatives face to face and learn about their businesses and the positions on offer
- Awards – Education. There are a range of established national teaching awards in which educators are recognised for their outstanding work, however, many schools have also created their own awards as a way of celebrating the achievements of their own teaching staff and students who have excelled. An annual award ceremony to congratulate the award winners is an excellent opportunity to promote the place of education locally and in the media
Opportunities for Business

As with the opportunities for students, having the backing of wealthy parents is likely to be useful for any business start-up. Although there are many self-made people in business who come from less affluent families, they would probably agree that their journey would have been easier with more familial support opening up opportunities for them. We have listed a few examples of how affluent parents can influence the success of a business:
- Contacts. Successful and affluent people tend to mix with other successful and affluent people, if you have grown up with CEO’s, bankers, politicians and other influential types visiting your home then you will have many, ready-made networking opportunities
- Self-confidence. Many people equate wealth with happiness and self-confidence, if you’ve grown up surrounded by self-confident people then there is a good chance that you will be naturally self-assured. People who are confident in their self, their ability to succeed and in their family to provide support are more likely to seize opportunities that may come their way.
- Affluent families are able to back business ventures launched by family members in many ways, including the following:
- Funding the initial setup. This is an important first step for any business, even if you are trading from your home, your garage or even a shed, the cost of the initial setup can deter many people from even taking that first step. Having financial back up from your family during the initial stages of your enterprise gives you the opportunity to concentrate upon the launch of your business
- Stocking up. Family funding the purchase of stock for your business will give you the opportunity to hit the ground running and help to ensure a smooth start to trading
- Bricks and mortar. If you don’t intend to trade exclusively online then the acquisition of a business property will be essential, it will also be costly! Having an affluent family or family member who can supply, or contribute towards, your bricks and mortar premises will provide a huge opportunity for your business to succeed
- Hiring staff. The opportunity of your affluent family funding the initial hiring of staff is an opportunity that should not be missed, you will need to employ people to help you run your business if you want it to be efficient and successful, particularly if you are in retail with a physical, bricks and mortar premises
Workplace training
Many employers offer workplace training, this offers many opportunities, including those listed below:
- Workplace training is an opportunity to learn more about how your workplace operates and improve your skills
- Workplace training is an opportunity that should not be missed as it can lead to promotion within the company
- Workplace training can often lead to a pay increase. Many employers offer an incentive scheme whereby employees who gain skills from workplace training are given a pay increase or a bonus
- Workplace training is a great opportunity to enhance your CV, opening up your future prospects

The value of marketing cannot be overstated, there are many types of marketing opportunities, including those listed below:
- Customer satisfaction surveys. The opportunity to gain feedback from your customers should never be missed, not only will your customers feel that you value their opinion, poor reviews show areas that need improvement and good reviews can be used in further marketing, for instance, customer testimonials on your website
- Email marketing. This is a great opportunity to give your customers information on special offers, however, there are rules that apply to email marketing in the UK, this is what the Government says: “You’re only allowed to send marketing emails to individual customers if they’ve given you permission. Emails or text messages must clearly indicate: who you are, that you’re selling something and what the promotions are, and any conditions. Check that you are not sending emails to anyone who’s asked not to receive them, using the Email Preference service. If you buy or rent a mailing list, ask the supplier if you have the right to use it for email marketing. Every marketing email you send must give the person the ability to opt out of (or ‘unsubscribe from’) further emails. You must tell customers if you add them to a list of people who do not want to be emailed.”
- Leaflet marketing. Leaflet drops can be a cost effective opportunity to spread your brand name, although many object to this type of marketing due to its impact upon the environment
- Loss leaders. This type of marketing can often be a good opportunity to draw customers in and increase your sales, however, this will only be profitable if customers buy other goods, if they only purchase the loss leader, you will make a loss
- Social Media Marketing. Also known as SMM, social media marketing is a great opportunity to promote your brand name, drive website traffic and boost your sales. A social media marketer is likely to use social media platforms, with popular platforms such as Facebook, X – formerly known as Twitter, Instagram, etc., in order to reach target markets
More opportunities
- A new employer. Most people find the thought of a new employer a little daunting but this is most often the fear of the unknown, look upon it as an opportunity to learn from someone new, who may have different ways of getting things done that you had never considered before and might actually prefer.
- A career move. Changing a career is a brave decision that, sadly, is sometimes forced upon some of us, often due to redundancy. This should be viewed as an opportunity to learn, work your way up and be successful!
- The arrival of a new work colleague is a great opportunity for you both, working together and sharing your skills can not only help you to meet targets, you can learn from each other and enhance your efficiency.
- Attend business seminars. As with academic seminars, the business version will also give you the opportunity to update your knowledge and learn from people with more experience, you will also be able to learn new strategies and discover new ideas in your field.
- A new manager, team leader. The arrival of a new manager or team leader is often viewed with some trepidation; however, your new boss is probably equally as apprehensive as you are and the situation should be considered as an opportunity to learn from someone who may have a different approach to others
- Promotion opportunity. Employers often promote from within the company, if the opportunity arises this can be a great chance for you to impress your bosses and take the next step up
- Personal Development review. Also known as a PDR, a Personal Development Review is a chance for you to talk to your employer, usually with the Human Resources Team, regarding your strengths, weaknesses, future training and goals. This is a great opportunity to discuss your progress and the possibility of promotion, etc.
- New software. Although learning the complexities of new software can be a little daunting, it should also be viewed as an opportunity to enhance your skills, improve your productivity and efficiency and potentially eliminate the chance of human error
- A move to a new building, although involving much upheaval, can be another opportunity to improve productivity and efficiency. Moving to a purpose built unit can make a huge difference in the daily operation of a business, a modern building should also be better insulated, making it cheaper to heat or keep cool.
- A move to a new location, perhaps to somewhere with less competition, gives a business an opportunity for expansion and an increase in footfall, which can also result in an increase in sales
- The opening of a new branch is an opportunity to grow your business, spread your brand awareness and increase your profits
- Networking events. The popularity of this type of event has been growing fast since the end of the pandemic, with established businesses to start ups and everyone in between keen to exploit the opportunities to meet new clients and potential investors
- Job fairs are a great opportunity for businesses to connect with many potential employees in an informal setting
- Offer internships. Taking on an intern is an opportunity to train someone and get to know them, it can be a great way to try out potential future employees. However, it should also be noted that recruiting an intern is a responsibility, they are there to learn while they work, they are not there to perform menial tasks, such as making the tea and fetching the sandwiches – although they should expect to take their turn at this of course
- Investment. A potential investment opportunity is something that could offer financial gain, investing can be a risky business so it is crucial that you thoroughly research any investment opportunity before proceeding, remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is
- A bank loan. Available to both business and individual account holders, a bank loan can be a convenient way to borrow money, you pay less interest than you would on a credit card and the repayments are spread over a number of months or years. Although banks are not lending as readily right now as they once were, if you are in need of funds and are given the opportunity to secure a loan, make sure you do your homework to ensure you are getting the best deal available
- Government grants. There are a range of Government grants available to businesses in the UK, these opportunities for funding can be accessed by different sizes of business and can be used for start-up costs, equipment, research and development and so on
- Government incentives offer loans or grants for building improvements. A number of Government backed schemes supply loans or grants to small businesses to help them reduce their impact on the environment, these schemes are a great opportunity for a small business to reduce its energy costs and its carbon footprint.
- Government schemes that offer support and advice to businesses. This is a valuable opportunity to access free Government backed business development support and guidance, along with the chance of securing a loan or grant for your business.
- ACAS. The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, generally known as ACAS, are “an independent public body that receives funding from the Government”. This service provides advice on good business practice and employment relations, it also offers the opportunity for training and, as its title suggests, helps resolve issues with conciliation and arbitration.
- Awards – In the workplace. An award ceremony to reward those employees who have gone the extra mile is a great opportunity to show how much the company appreciates and values their work, receiving such recognition boosts morale, strengthens loyalty and often increases productivity.
- Awards – Business. There are many business awards in the UK, these are hosted by banks, chambers of commerce, magazines and other organisations and they are the perfect opportunity for any business to shine in the media spotlight and promote their brand. These annual ceremonies can be rather grand and the awards are hard won, the categories include CEO of the Year, Charity of the Year, Best Large Business, Best Small Business, Best Brand Development, and so on.
- Unexpected events, catastrophes. It may be difficult but always try to view unexpected events, such as flooding, as an opportunity for future avoidance planning and improvement
- Help the environment. The installation of wind and solar power, along with heat sinks, provides the opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint and running costs for places of education or work
- Brand awareness. Advertising locally is a good opportunity to promote your place of education or workplace
- Get sporty! Joining your place of education or work sports team gives you the opportunity to improve your fitness levels and enhance your relationship with fellow students or colleagues
- Bonus. A great opportunity to incentivise students or employees is a performance related reward scheme
- A cut in interest rates. When lenders cut interest rates people are more inclined to spend, interest rate cuts should be viewed as an opportunity to attract new customers and tempt old ones back
- A cut in interest rates. A cut in interest rates is also an opportunity to invest in places of education or business
- Economic growth. Growth in the economy is an opportunity for making new investments, which generally means you are promoting further growth
- Flexible or hybrid working arrangements offer the opportunity to spend less time travelling and more time working, this also gives you the added opportunity of reducing your carbon footprint
- New customers. A new housing development near your business should give the opportunity to increase sales
- New staff. A new housing development near your business could provide the opportunity for hiring new employees
- Step up to the mark. A higher level colleague takes time off, giving you the opportunity to step into their shoes and prove that you are up to the challenge
- Competitor acquisition. The acquisition of a smaller competitor is an opportunity for a company to grow its business and increase its customer base
- Local competitor ceasing trading. A competitor closing down in your area creates a wonderful opportunity for your company to acquire their former customers and increase your profits
- Non local competitor ceasing trading. A competitor closing down in a region not local to you gives you the opportunity to expand into their area, filling the void left by their closure
You will find that opportunities will present themselves on an almost daily basis, you might not even realise what they are and what their potential could be, it is up to you to learn how to recognise them and be open to what they could do for you. To coin a well known phrase “Carpe Diem” or “Seize the day.”
Author Profile
My first experience of teaching was in 2016, when I was asked to
deliver a talk to a group of 16-year-olds on what it was like to start
your own business. I immediately knew I wanted to become more
involved in teaching but I didn’t know where to start as I had not
previously considered a career in education. A few weeks later I
agreed to teach a class of Chinese students from the Shanghai
Technical Institute of Electronics and Information, who had travelled
to the UK to learn English and Software Engineering, after that I was
hooked. Within the next few years, I taught hundreds of students of
many different nationalities, aged from 16 to 60, and from
levels 2 to 6. I focused my time teaching with Bath University and
Bath College for several more years until I felt a change was in order.
For the last few years, I have taught remotely with several private
training organisations, provided dedicated one to one coaching
sessions, provided consultancy on teaching and assessment practices
and written about my experiences as a teacher. I plan to continue
with my current activities for the foreseeable future but I’m always
open to new teaching experiences.