What is Social Learning Theory?

social learning theory

Introduction I’m trying to explain a tricky concept but Nyla and Mimi are whispering. They are both generally good students and will get the work done in the lesson, so I’ll let it slide for now and press on with my explanation. Oh, now Tom and Kaspar are talking. I’ll raise my voice a bit, … Read more

The James Marcia Identity Status Theory

identity who are you

James Marcia is an eminent clinic and developmental psychologist and an influential theorist who is noted for his work in psychosocial development, particularly adolescent psychosocial development. His writings expanded upon Erik H Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development. This article will delve into the life of James Marcia and examine the four identity statuses that he … Read more

Books on Socratic Method

socratic books

Introduction – The Socratic Method The Socratic Method, a timeless technique of inquiry dating back to ancient Athens, has consistently been hailed for its unparalleled ability to stimulate critical thinking and profound introspection. Rooted in the teachings of Socrates, this method of elenchus, or cross-examination, not only shaped the foundation of Western philosophical discourse but … Read more

The Socratic Method Dialectic

Socrates Dialectic

The Socratic method, often described as the art of questioning, represents a time-honoured form of dialogue and a cornerstone of Western intellectual tradition. Rooted in the practices of the classical Athenian philosopher Socrates, this method utilises a form of dialectic — a dialogue between two or more people who may have different views but are … Read more

Socratic Method Examples


The Socratic method is often used in teaching and discussion, it involves asking a series of questions to help the student clarify knowledge and assess their understanding. Here are ten real-life examples of how the Socratic method might be employed, plus a bonus more in-depth example. Understanding Democracy: Q: What is democracy? A: It’s when … Read more

How does the Socratic Method differ from the scientific method?

Socrates Science

Abstract The Socratic method, stemming from the philosophical teachings of Socrates, emphasises dialectical questioning to illuminate ideas and expose contradictions in one’s beliefs. Its focus lies in promoting logical consistency and introspection. Contrarily, the scientific method, rooted in the Renaissance and Enlightenment, employs a systematic approach to understand natural phenomena through observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, … Read more

The Socratic Method of Teaching

Socrates Education

Abstract The Socratic method, rooted in the pedagogical practices of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, emphasises the power of questioning to stimulate critical thought and self-awareness. Instead of direct instruction, this dialogical approach fosters active student participation, leading to profound self-discoveries, improved communication skills, and the rectification of misconceptions. However, its efficacy hinges on skilled … Read more

Socratic Method: What Is It and How Can You Use It?


Abstract The Socratic Method, originating from ancient Greece and attributed to the philosopher Socrates, is a form of dialogue-based learning that encourages participants to ask and answer questions in order to stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas. This article provides an in-depth understanding of this method, its historical success, and its relevance in modern-day teaching … Read more

Theories, Principles, Models of Learning


Abstract The intricate nature of learning and teaching is emphasised through various pedagogical theories and approaches. Mumford’s perspective positions learning as a demonstration of new knowledge or skills. This is juxtaposed with diverse theories like Behaviourism, which is result-oriented, Cognitivism, focusing on mental processes and problem-solving, and Humanism, that places the student at the centre … Read more

Theories, principles and models of communication

Communication Theory

Abstract This document delves into the multifaceted nature of communication in an educational setting, underscoring its pivotal role in every interaction between educators and students. Initial sections elaborate on basic and two-way communication models, emphasising both verbal and non-verbal means. As the narrative progresses, it illuminates the challenges that arise in ensuring effective communication, especially … Read more