April 2021

BAME students

How Working with Other Agencies can Promote Diversity.

Many teaching establishments work with a wide selection of external agencies that promote diversity, numerous UK courses have associations with the NHS who look after adults and children at home and at school and provide residential and nursing care. This association helps students realise there are other people within the community that are less fortunate […]

How Working with Other Agencies can Promote Diversity. Read More »

Skills and qualities

The Skills and Qualities Required for a Personal Tutoring Role

Last Updated on 29/08/2023 by James Barron In order to be an effective personal tutor, there are some important skills and qualities that the tutor must possess. These include logistical and curriculum planning, good organisational and communication skills, pragmatic and diplomatic abilities. A good tutor must also be knowledgeable, friendly, respectful, patient and a good

The Skills and Qualities Required for a Personal Tutoring Role Read More »

students wheelchair

Modifying Systems and Structures Which Do Not Promote Equality and Diversity.

Last Updated on 12/11/2021 by James Barron In many teaching organisations the learners are only entitled to 15-minute tutorials, this is very often insufficient. Personally, when I have deemed it appropriate I have let the tutorial session run long, deliberately adding particular students to the end of the session that I suspect will require additional

Modifying Systems and Structures Which Do Not Promote Equality and Diversity. Read More »

personal tutor

How Values, Behaviours and Attitudes can Impact on the Personal Tutoring Role

As a tutor, areas that you focus your attention upon will experience most of the change, for example, if you believe that grades and qualifications are the most important aspect of educational life, it is likely you will spend the majority of your time as a tutor focusing on setting academic based targets, thus giving

How Values, Behaviours and Attitudes can Impact on the Personal Tutoring Role Read More »

tutor communication

The importance of communication in a personal tutoring role

The importance of effective communication within the personal tutorial role is incredibly important, even more important than that of the lecturing role. In order to fulfil many of the required skills and qualities of being a tutor effective communication is required. Being respectful, friendly, diplomatic, a good listener and to be able to build a

The importance of communication in a personal tutoring role Read More »