
Students Using AI For Homework – What To Know

Artificial intelligence has evolved significantly in the last few years. Today, it is possible to use AI to automate processes, compose articles, and even create unique works of art. While the technology isn’t perfect yet, students can benefit greatly from using AI for homework. It can empower students who are studying a new language, preparing for an upcoming quiz, or writing an essay.

Why are students using AI for homework? The reasons and benefits of using AI will be explored in more depth below.

AI For Students

First, students should learn more about AI – or artificial intelligence. AI is an advanced technology that can be used for various educational purposes. Artificial intelligence can support the student’s needs in numerous ways, including performing analysis of massive amounts of information. While it may take the student four hours to study a database full of variables, the AI can get it done in a few minutes.

Artificial intelligence can also help improve the student’s decision-making skills, break language barriers, and create a study plan for any test. Once the student has experimented with AI technology, they’ll find new, unique ways to use it to improve their studies.

Quick Data Analysis

Depending on the student’s studies, they may be required to analyse complex datasets. It could be financial figures, patient information, or something else. The student may need to study the information to find a specific problem. It may take a long time for students to achieve this goal, but AI can make it easier.

While AI should be used to bolster the student’s abilities, it shouldn’t be used to replace hard work. Many students have admitted to using ChatGPT to complete homework assignments, including writing essays.

The goal is to learn and figure out how to implement these ideas in real-time situations. Using AI entirely for this purpose will prevent the student from doing that.

Why College Students Are Taking Advantage Of AI

AI, also known as artificial intelligence, isn’t a completely unheard-of technology. This is especially true for those that are familiar with the gaming industry. The industry has become so advanced that designers and developers are even experimenting with realistic models.

It only takes a little bit of research and one can uncover many instances where AI is being utilised in gaming today. While there are still plenty of challenges to overcome, the use of AI is also being explored in many other realms.

Academics are another area where the use of this technology is currently being explored. College students have already found many practical uses for this type of technology.

Writing Essays

Many students hate writing essays, even though it is a vital component of their studies. As a result, some have started using ChatGPT to overcome this hurdle. Ultimately, the AI platform can indeed write essays with excellent form and grammar. However, the risk of plagiarism when using ChatGPT is significant.

Nearly three-quarters of students surveyed recently believed that this AI platform should be banned within their university’s network. Several have already banned it, with Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York fitting into this group. One professor said that they liked the fact that ChatGPT would provide students with an answer and explain it to them.

There is room to use ChatGPT and other similar technologies, as long as the student doesn’t rely on it solely. Instead, it should be used as an aid to write an essay instead of being used to write essays.

Passing Quizzes

Professors often use quizzes to find out how much their students know about a specific subject. They use unexpected quizzes to prevent students from studying first. ChatGPT has been used to pass quizzes, even when they’re on short notice. It was recently used to answer questions for the United States Medical Licensing exam. ChatGPT was used to complete the three-part exam.

It was found that the technology scored surprisingly well on all three exams. It was at or near the passing limit for each test. One professor from Weber State wrote to their students asking them to use OpenAI for inspiration and education. They were asked not to use OpenAI as a way to cheat better.

Chatbot Assistance

Most students are going to run into difficulties when they’re away from the classroom. It might not be possible to get in touch with a professor later in the evening. Instead, professors can take advantage of AI chatbots to help their students, even during the evening and at night. The chatbot can be designed to help students answer questions about math, history, and other study topics.

When a student needs assistance, they can ask the AI chatbot for help. Chatbots can truly help provide students with a more interactive and effective learning experience. Professors may be able to use the technology to engage with several students simultaneously.

How AI Impacts Student Intelligence Quotient?

It cannot be stressed enough, students utilising AI are guaranteed to reap the consequences. Initially, it may seem like a good idea since it frees up time that students rarely have enough of. Left facing the consequences, students then realise the mistake of putting too much faith in a risky technology

AI, when utilised intermittently, has little to no impact on student Intelligence Quotient “IQ.” Utilised frequently, human intelligence begins to fall. The IQ score generally rises and falls during adolescence. Combining this with the frequent use of AI, the teenage IQ score will be significantly impacted. It will be more than obvious by low test scores.

Is ChatGPT Detectable?

Educators are struggling to find technology capable of detecting ChatGPT-generated homework. The AI tool has created a whole new set of cheating issues for teachers. In many cases, AI has produced plagiarised content that is nearly undetectable.

Universities across the United States have been searching high and low for software capable of detecting AI. With this said, teachers are concerned about consequences for themselves and their students.


AI has proven to be risky and valuable in the global education industry. Students of all grade levels have considered incorporating AI into their homework. Of course, only a few have actually gone through with it. Students must be willing to accept the risks before delving into AI. Otherwise, the end result will be a shocker that could end in expulsion or an “A.”

Author Profile

James Barron
My first experience of teaching was in 2016, when I was asked to
deliver a talk to a group of 16-year-olds on what it was like to start
your own business. I immediately knew I wanted to become more
involved in teaching but I didn’t know where to start as I had not
previously considered a career in education. A few weeks later I
agreed to teach a class of Chinese students from the Shanghai
Technical Institute of Electronics and Information, who had travelled
to the UK to learn English and Software Engineering, after that I was
hooked. Within the next few years, I taught hundreds of students of
many different nationalities, aged from 16 to 60, and from
levels 2 to 6. I focused my time teaching with Bath University and
Bath College for several more years until I felt a change was in order.
For the last few years, I have taught remotely with several private
training organisations, provided dedicated one to one coaching
sessions, provided consultancy on teaching and assessment practices
and written about my experiences as a teacher. I plan to continue
with my current activities for the foreseeable future but I’m always
open to new teaching experiences.

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