Why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others


Abstract This document emphasises the importance of establishing ground rules in the classroom to create a conducive learning environment. It begins by advocating for open discussion among students and educators to set these rules, illustrating the essence of mutual respect. Differentiating between non-negotiable and negotiable rules, the content underscores the significance of documenting these guidelines, … Read more

Key aspects of legislation relating to managing behaviours in a learning environment


There are several pieces of legislation that relate to the management of behaviour within a learning environment. Legislation such as United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Health and Safety at Work Act and the Equality Act are broad in their specification but have a direct impact on the management of behaviour. … Read more

Key aspects of a organisation’s policies relating to managing behaviours in a learning environment

Angry Behaviour

Current legislation, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Health and Safety at Work Act and the Equality Act, influences educational establishment policy and the organisation’s Code of Conduct on how staff should manage student behaviour. Educational establishments provide a clear Code of Conduct for the behaviour of students, … Read more