Legal Requirements and Responsibilities Relating to the Development and use of Resources


It is essential to consider the legal requirements and responsibilities when creating and utilising resources. The primary legal aspect is intellectual property protection which helps you to stop people stealing or copying your resources or work you have created. (, 2013) This protection must also be considered when using resources that you have not created … Read more

Policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation

code of conduct

Abstract This document provides an exhaustive examination of the importance of policies and procedures in teaching establishments, highlighting how they shape the fabric of educational institutions. It underscores how such policies emerge from broader legislative frameworks, ensuring tailored relevance for specific educational contexts. Key policies covered include the Equality Policy, which champions inclusivity and diversity, … Read more

Social, political and economic factors influence education policy

political houses of parliament

A wide variety of factors will influence educational policy, these include social, political and economic. A social factor influences a considerable number of individuals within society, a political factor relates to government policy and practices, and finally, economic factors include aspects that affect the economy, specifically financial matters. “Just 17% of those working in Technology … Read more

Why It Is Important That Learners Take Responsibility For Their Own Learning

student presentation

It is extremely important for learners to take responsibly for their own learning as they will gain a wide selection of benefits. Students responsible for their own learning will have a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as they will have first-hand experience of them, rather than being told their strengths and weaknesses, which … Read more

A Learners’ Socio-economic, Cultural and Personal Background, Work History and Educational Achievement Can Affect Their Needs, Aspirations, Decision-making Abilities and Approach to Learning


A learner’s socio-economic, cultural and personal background will have a significant impact on their education, including the aspirations, needs and decision-making process. A very large number (approximately one in five) of families within the UK are deemed to live in poverty, research has shown people who live in poverty face daily challenges that affluent children … Read more

Boundaries, Limitations and the Ethical and Professional Codes and Standards in a Personal Tutoring Role


While it is important that, as a tutor, you are available and willing to assist students, it would be unprofessional, unethical and impossible to assist students with everything. A simple example of this is while you want your students to perform well on the course and are willing to provide guidance on assignments, providing too … Read more

How Your Own Values, Behaviours and Attitudes can Impact on the Personal Tutoring Role


As a tutor, areas that you focus your attention upon will experience most of the change, for example, if you believe that grades and qualifications are the most important aspect of educational life, it is likely you will spend the majority of your time as a tutor focusing on setting academic based targets, thus giving … Read more

Opportunities for learners and others to provide feedback to inform inclusive practice


It is important to obtain feedback from students as their view should be acknowledged during the teaching process, if a student is happy and enjoying their course, they are more likely to perform well, attend and achieve their full potential. It is often very easy for teachers to implement changes based on student feedback that … Read more