December 2021

bored student

Factors Which Identify Learners at Risk of Disengaging From Learning

There are many factors that are early identifiers that a student is at risk of disengaging from learning, the first being poor engagement within class. If a student suddenly stops engaging by not answering questions, completing tasks etc., it is highly likely they are disengaging from learning and every effort must be made to ensure […]

Factors Which Identify Learners at Risk of Disengaging From Learning Read More »


Strategies to Enable Learners to Engage with Learning (as a tutor)

Assisting learners to engage with their learning can be an essential element of being a tutor, especially at key points throughout the year. It is very common for students to approach the end of their course and lose motivation to finish their course. At times like this it is necessary for tutors to have strategies

Strategies to Enable Learners to Engage with Learning (as a tutor) Read More »

student presentation

Why It Is Important That Learners Take Responsibility For Their Own Learning

It is extremely important for learners to take responsibly for their own learning as they will gain a wide selection of benefits. Students responsible for their own learning will have a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as they will have first-hand experience of them, rather than being told their strengths and weaknesses, which

Why It Is Important That Learners Take Responsibility For Their Own Learning Read More »


A Learners’ Socio-economic, Cultural and Personal Background, Work History and Educational Achievement Can Affect Their Needs, Aspirations, Decision-making Abilities and Approach to Learning

A learner’s socio-economic, cultural and personal background will have a significant impact on their education, including the aspirations, needs and decision-making process. A very large number (approximately one in five) of families within the UK are deemed to live in poverty, research has shown people who live in poverty face daily challenges that affluent children

A Learners’ Socio-economic, Cultural and Personal Background, Work History and Educational Achievement Can Affect Their Needs, Aspirations, Decision-making Abilities and Approach to Learning Read More »